Guidelines for Relationship
- Socializing - spend quality time together.
- Create a safe environment - make sometimes the venue will be public; at the other times if needs to be private. But while privacy is needed "be self-controlled & allert. your enemy the devil prows around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter. 5:8)
- Sexuality - Say "NO" to sexual activity. Some say "Everybody's doing it". Others whisper, "If you love me, prove it". Still other challenge, "If you're normal, let's try it". But this activity has its risk: unwanted pregnancy, cervical cancer, AIDS.
- Communication - ask wise questions. we cannot know each other unless we communicate with each other. Effective communications involve both talking & listening. One of the biggest secrets of a good conversation is to ask the right questions, a question that allows "yes or no" for an answer is a poor question, for it fails to encourage conversation. A good question gets a person to express himself / herself.
- Ex. instead of saying "did you like the concert?" you may ask, "what do you think about the Concert?"
- It is wise to discuss things that will help you to know who the other really is & hopes to be.
Learn to Listen - If one listens long enough, & observes well enough, one will learn who his or her partner really is. Jesus Said, "out of the overflow of his heart, his mouth speaks" (luke6:45).